Experiential knowledge regarding an henhenet growth from arut material that is (already) many days old: When you identify an henhenet growth from arut material that is (already) many days old, (and) in which (festering) content has developed, after it has produced fat, (and) where the edges of its sides are large (and) it is hot for him, then you say for this: (This is some-)one with an henhenet growth from arut material that has produced an accumulation of pus in which (festering) contents have developed, (and) that is hot as a result of this. (This is) a disease with which I will fight.” (And) then you prepare a medicine for this for treating it by eliminating the case of disease: Dried blood, cumin, oil/fat, carob fruit, Nile acacia leaves, tepa’ut part (and) qa’a fruit* from a Nile acacia, “pond-tongue” drug, soot* from copper. To be made into a powder.
*Reading uncertain